Level Design Portfolio
A journey that started with 12-year-old me designing maps in Halo CE using MS Paint…
Super Mario Maker 2
Terrance the Dungeon Slime
Super Mario Maker 2
SMM2 was irresistible for me. The course I was most proud of, Three Pipe Challenge, was designed to teach higher-level technical skills to casual audiences. I had a few goals in mind:
Clearly communicate unofficial movement patterns to players
Give players a clear sense of progression
Reward exploration as a side-activity to reduce frustration
Communicate Unofficial Movement
In this section, I wanted players to conquer a slide bounce, where they needed to slide down the slope and bounce off the note block.
I tried to draw the players’ attention upward with colorful blocks, left an arrow at the correct angle (only achievable with a properly executed bounce), and dropped coins along the path to reward players for nailing the bounce.
Give Players a Sense of Progression
Avoiding frustration for casual players executing more difficult techniques is paramount.
Super Mario Maker 2 Stats